This is a short walk along an almost straight gravel path from a small car park where the road to Miabhaig (B887) crosses the river of the same name. It’s easy to find. The path leads directly from the car park to the North Harris Eagle Observatory; about 1.65 miles. It’s an easy walk and the observatory is a good place to try and catch a glimpse of golden eagles,or even while tailed eagles.

The path continues well past the observatory if you wanted to extend your walk and links up with another path that takes you to the ‘raptor walk’ that starts at the car park at Bogha Glas on the A859. That would make a good walk if you could work out the logistics. However, I’ve never actually walked this and it may involve crossing a river at least once.

It was nice to get into the North Harris landscape and satisfy our eagle-spotting need (and we did!)

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